Friday, February 27, 2009

2 weeks left!

Here's Samantha! She's 36 weeks here and we are almost done! We had to get another ultra sound to see about the placenta previa. And well we got the results yesterday afternoon. Apparently the placenta is all of 6mm away from being out of the way enough for my doctor to let me have a "natural" birth. So our options were to either take the chance and wait 2 more weeks to have another ultra sound and see if it moves enough. Or have a scheduled c-section. We asked what our chances would be and he said slim to none. So we decided to go ahead with the scheduled c-section. Let me tell you, I am NOT excited about this at all. But if I were to take the chance and wait, then I'm being selfish and putting both Samantha and I in danger. So of course we went with the safer route. I guess really my main concern is nursing. It will be so long after I have her before I will even be able to hold her. And I'm worried she will choose a bottle of formula over me. I know silly, but I'm determined to nurse! And of course the heal time, it's not gonna be fun. But neither is the other route's heal time either. But laying down for 2 stay still!?!?! YUK! Oh well, the things we do for our children huh. Good thing they are so darn cute. So anyway, just a heads up that it's gonna be a hectic month or so. And I know I haven't been on here much anyway, but I really won't be on here for a bit. Now that I actually know when I'm having Samantha, I've got some cleaning and organizing to do :) Another good reason for a scheduled c-section. A list maker and planner like me, can actually plan!