Saturday, December 18, 2010


Owen LOVED every second! He want's to go again :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Lightning Strikes!

I crack myself up sometimes...but this is hillarious! I thought I'd be brave and try to catch a lightning stike on film...didn't realize it would care the crap out of me! LOL!

Friday, September 17, 2010

The good ol' days....

If roses grew in heaven,

Lord please pick a bunch for me,

Lay them in her arms and tell her

they're from me,

Tell her I love her and miss her,

when she turns to smile,

place a kiss upon her cheek and hold her

for a while,

remembering her is easy,

I do it every day,

But there's an ache within my heart,

that will never go away,

I miss you.....

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Busy Summer!!

I cannot believe that this summer is already about over! I't s been so crazy! Busy Busy! Just thought I'd share some of our busy summer :) Lagoon with the kiddos! Aunty Vicky visited and we're sooooo excited she's coming down for my big #)...that's right translate that one ;) ok it means 30...

Love this picture! Brings out his beautiful blues....boy them girls better watch out!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ahhhh I'm Back...for now!

We've had so much going on with this moving to Utah business. And not having our own computer to hook up to, well that's put a damper on the bloggin business. So I thought while I can I would show off some the things that have been going on this CRAZY summer! Uncle Steve and Sammie!

Great Grandma Clark visiting and playing croquet with Owen.
Lisa's visit with the kellogg family reunion.

Owen LOVES his uncle Chuck :)

Big Bear Lake trip with Grandma and Grandpa Gus

And this is pretty much what my Fridays look like. We live in my parents basement and everyone wants to come over to our house and play.

And one of my fav's :) Sammie's papa!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oh my gosh!

On Saturday night(Sunday morning) I was woken up by a loud suction high screeching sound. I woke Jim up asking him what that noise is. Of course I knew he didn't know, but he's closer to the window than I am. So he got out of bed and took a look outside and he couldn't see anything. We thought could they really be cleaning out the storm drains at midnight!? I got out of bed and looked outside. I saw our very quiet neighbors outside. The men were standing outside and they were yelling, "GO, GO, GO!!!" as they shooed off a sedan and mini van out of the driveway with no headlights. Really could they be drunk!? I was kind of taken back by the scene and really confused. Were they fighting? And then we went into the living room to see if we could get a better look at what was going on. We could smell gas....What the heck!!!

Jim opened the front door and it was like someone was pumping Gasoline right into our house. The smell was awful. Jim shouted out to the neighbors, "Is that gas!?" they replied, "Yes, Natural Gas! You better get out of here!" We looked around our next door neighbors fence and saw the accident. A black small car had driven straight through a stop sign and into a gas pipe. The car was sitting directly on top the the gas line and gas was spewing everywhere. The fog that was outside wasn't fog, it was gas! I instantly knew we had to get out of here before something really bad happens. Panic set in...I dialed 911 and the operator asked for the usual, my name and address. She said that the authorities had already been notified and they were on their way. I said yah ok, but can I start my car!? I need to get my children out of here NOW! The operator started to sound slightly panicked, "I don't know, I don't have an answer to that. Do you want me to have an officer give you a call?" I couldn't believe the only source I was sure would have the answers didn't. I asked again, can I start my car!?! Again the operator, "I'm sorry I don't have the answer to that. Would you like me to have an officer call you?"

"Yes, Okay please!" I panicked. All I could think was maybe my dad knows the answer to my question. I think I was almost complete meltdown by this time. I'm sure I was hyperventilating. Jim kept telling me to calm down and help him get the kids ready. My parents didn't answer the phone immediately so I really started to freak out. Jim's dad answered their phone and he held the phone outside so they could hear what we were dealing with. His dad was definitely startled by the sound and said absolutely don't start the car. Get out of there now, I'm on my way. Jim explained which way to go to get to our house, so his dad knew which direction we were heading. My mom called me back at the same time 911 was calling me back, I started to explain to my mom what was going on and was totally freaking out. I'm sure that didn't help mom sleep well that night....sorry mom! I answered 911 and the operator asked, "Rebecka?"

"Yes," I replied. She said,"Do not start your car! You are too close to the gas. Don't turn on lights or turn them off. Get out of there if you can!"

Okay, really!? I'm supposed to keep my cool here!? I told my mom that I love her and I have to go. Every time I think of what was going through my head at this point, I tear up. I was telling my mom I love her because I was truly scared that could be the last time. My kids are too young to die. They haven't lived long enough yet. Oh, my poor dog! I have to leaver her behind! Our belongings......what should I grab!? Purse, check, shoes, check, husband, check, kids, check....ok let's get the heck out of here!

We had Owen up and double layered with his clothing. Poor thing was so confused and tired. Swept all of the baby food we had in the house into a travel bag along with some diapers and bottles. Grabbed the diaper bag. Samantha in the stroller and wrapped up with several blankets to keep the gas smell away from her. A scarf around Owen's face and we were out of there. We ran/speed walked for about 3/4 of a mile before we couldn't smell the gas anymore. Finally we felt we could stop. I called mom back to let her know that we were ok and safe. I briefly explained what happened and had to get off the phone to call my mother in law to see where they were. She stayed home so we could all fit into the truck. She said Terry should be there any minute. And he was there seconds later.....

This is a video that Jim took to get a record of what we own, just in case. You can tell we were panicked and in a hurry to get out of there, because you can't really see what the heck he was filming. Leave it to a man to think to do that thought...good idea really. Let's just say we are going to get a better, more calm and clear video when we're not evacuating the premises.

On the police scanner they were talking about possible looting so Jim was worried about what was going on around our neighborhood. They evacuated our neighborhood and took them to a local elementary school where they awaited the repair. I'm so thankful we live close to family. I can't imagine what it was like in that gymnasium for my neighbors. And that's the perfect example as to why I don't want to live far from family, no matter where I live!

Everything worked out...Thank God! I hope I never again experience something to life threatening and frightful. But if I do...let's all hope I don't hyperventilate again! ;op

Sunday, January 10, 2010

So I'd like to make an announcement....

We are moving to Utah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't post anything on Facebook because of all the co-workers I have as friends. Work doesn't know yet. I was sittin here wishing I could tell some of my Utah relatives and then the "Duh" light came on. Hello!!! Blog!!!! We are planning on moving down there at the end of March. We'd like to go sooner, but the weather plays a HUGE part in why we are waiting. We are so excited and can't wait! Ok I feel better :)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Where are my shoulders?!

I'm gonna let Owen Explain to all of you where your body parts are located!