Thursday, August 7, 2008

Roxy The Rowdy!

So this is our newest member of the family! She is a rottweiler...kidding : )! She is a Jack Russell Terrier. At first we were wondering what we got ourselves into with this wild thing, but as time goes on, she is becoming more and more perfect for our family. She is three months old and I'd say the laziest three month old pup I've ever seen. Owen and her are inseparable. Owen will wake up and first thing in the morning run out of his room looking for the "Biayo", "Cog", or "Zee". Those are all of her names. We still can't figure out where Biayo came from, but it's cute. Talk about a smart dog though...she learns fast! Sit, stay, and down are the major ones we all were excited for her to learn. Especially when it's dinner time. :) But when new people come over, watch out! She's a whirl wind for about 10 minutes, so then it becomes kennel time. So yah she's a keeper and we love her!

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