Thursday, December 11, 2008

Back up plan....

Last year, our old computer started to go hay wire. So in a frantic panic, I started e-mailing all the pictures we had on the computer to myself. A few days later Owen turned the computer on by himself and the computer completely shut down. If I hadn't done that, then I would be missing a whole chunk of pictures of Owen from 4 months until about last Christmas. So I guess from now on I will be emailing all photos to myself along with putting them on a disc. I mean really if, God forbid, there is ever a fire or something else I still have these available to me from what ever computer I can get my hands on. I just thought I would share this thought for anyone who is like me and puts all of their photos on the computer without any kind of back up plan.


RickG said...

That's what blogs are for!

Vera said...

I am a total blog illeterate. I'm glad your Dad puts all these pictures on. I am stealing them, but shhh, don't tell him.

BeckyB said... got it!